Lowest price guaranteed

You probably have seen it a thousand times on local TV and in Sunday paper – advertising claims by mattress store to beat anybody’s price on the same product or guarantee the lowest price. As you probably figured by now, with the unique names and exclusive product lines, these advertising claims are just empty promises. Or aren’t they? Well, that entirely depends on you. Once you learn how to crack the code of mattress name game, you will be able not just able to find a great mattress but also negotiate a great deal.

Believe it or not, mattress stores with their “Beat any price” and “Lowest price guarantee” claims give one the most powerful negotiating tools. After all, the most mattress sales persons are on commission and they NEED to make a sale. If you ask for a certain comparable model, sales person could possibly take you to the wrong bed that is not on par with quality of the mattress you are looking for (it happens all time). But if you do your homework and know what product is comparable and for a lower price they will take the deal.